IV. Istanbul Carbon Summit 26th April 2017

IV. The Istanbul Carbon Summit will take place on 26 April 2017 at Istanbul Technical University’s Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center.

It is hosted by the Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D), hosted by ITU, supported by the International Emissions Trading Association, IV. At the Istanbul Carbon Summit, official power, local governments, academia, business community, non-governmental organizations and young people will meet.

Carbon management, carbon finance and incelenecek.birleş Nations with all aspects of Turkey’s fight against climate change route Climate Change Framework Convention Conference of Parties, Paris (COP21) and Marrakech (COP22) aftermath and November 2017 will be held in Bonn (COP23) path to the Conference the position of the company on the subject of “National Designated Contribution for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction” will be discussed.

The summit, low carbon heroes and carbon credits to be held by the “Carbon Management and Industry” session, where managers of leading companies in different sectors will talk about sustainability management and low carbon economy strategies, will be rewarded.

IV. Istanbul Carbon Summit Awards

Low Carbon Heroes Award

The Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D), with its “Low Carbon Heroes Award”, aims to improve the awareness of the society in the society, in accordance with its vision and mission, to support those who are engaged in low carbon economy. Because managing carbon is to manage today and tomorrow. In addition to candidates for the award, the achievements of individuals and institutions identified through sectoral monitoring of SÜT-D will also be evaluated.

Small Carbon Heroes

The Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D) organized the Istanbul Carbon Summit in line with the objective of creating capacity in the society for sustainability for production, consumption and service, raising awareness of the subject, and making widespread impact at national and international events, with the title “Small Carbon Heroes” and to contribute to the development of “Sustainable Living Culture” and to the generation of good governors of carbon.

Carbon reduction project and application successes, “Low Carbon Hero Award” applications to carbon-friendly people and organizations will continue until April 14, 2017. Zirvein surprise; “Small Carbon Heroes”.

IV. Istanbul Carbon Summit – Why Should You Participate?

-Learn from in-depth discussions on regional and global carbon markets
– Recognize the full potential of NMM (new market mechanisms) and green climate fund (GCF) with new carbon frameworks
– Describe the potential of emerging carbon markets
– Asking questions to internationally recognized market experts during interactive panels
-We network with global carbon market actors and investigate commercial opportunities
To develop your strategies for the new low carbon cycle in climate policy and carbon markets
Redefine your company’s risk management with a climate change perspective
– Learning to support PPP-Public Private Partnership options with climate change finance mechanisms

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