Isısan Heating Installation Book, heating sector projects, prepared for contracting and consultancy which to share information with renewed and evolving technology and to at engineering the right steps without expectation of remuneration by Isısan publication has been made public is published as a PDF on their site. Isısan Heating Installation Book is an important resource in this direction, especially for the many engineers to be a mechanical engineer. Isısan Heating Installation Book of preparing and offering the use of engineers, Mr. Rüknettin Thanks to Küçükçalı and teammates.
Mr. Isısan heating system prior to the book’s Rüknettin Küçükçalı Let me quote from the preface.
“Heating installations 1st edition of the book in 1993, 2nd edition 1995, while 3.baskı was held in 1997. Each new information was added to the pressure, who was removed old. Information is changing too fast. Therefore receive information, share needs to use immediately. We are trying to keep up to date by adding innovation to Isısan Heating Installation Book. We present to you the Book in the 16th book of the Heating Installation Isısan publications.
Crude oil barrel in the 1999 New Year ~ 9, – $, while today 36 – rising to $ order. 4-fold increase in the price of crude oil, when added to the TL depreciation against the dollar; World crude oil prices within two years of some £ ~ 9 times that we see. However, in these two years in Turkey natural gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil, LPG, etc. fuel prices ~ 2.2 – 2.8 upgrade to solid. So the world’s increase in oil prices on the domestic market has not reflected a small part. Turkey prices of petroleum products in the coming period, the increase in the world price will be increased in parallel or close rates.
World energy resources are depleted more rapidly increasing every day. Not too distant future, a serious bottleneck in the development of energy resources available and possible price increases in line with it. When the agenda of a project; being referred to by the energy value of the daily cost and energy-saving amortization period of investments are calculated with these costs. This concept does not apply to me. In the amortization period should be studied to predict energy costs may occur in the future and should be considered seriously as a parameter.
With a design philosophy applied correctly, it consumes less energy and a total of 1,500,000 kcal / h and can be installed on systems with larger capacity. Condensing type boilers of additional initial investment amount, depending on the type of fuel it is possible to pay off within 3 to 6 months. 3 million kcal / h and the annual fuel consumption of larger capacity facilities, the purchase price of the central heating boiler is 10 times greater than we think; selecting one type of condensing boilers annual fuel consumption by approximately 8% reduced. This capability is the total earned by investing in a combination will be able to get back within two years.
system solutions in the book, sample projects, practical information, innovations in heating, heating system selection criteria and comparison charts, diagrams, calculation methods, provides information that can be used in projects and applications. Technical evaluations are always open to discussion. Books from blocking think this perspective is prepared to share information and create alternatives.
The topics in the book of New Heating System updating, we tried to make a dynamic presentation.We prepare together with the Heating Installation Book Prof.Dr.Ahmet Arısoy. Isısan engineers and technicians have made very significant contributions. Genre zahide, Nurettin thank them in person Altınel Küçükçalı and Tariq. Also Erdogan, who have contributed to this book Atakar, Erdinç Boz, Hachik Eram, Jalal Okuda, Ayhan Razgat, Baycan Sunaç, Orhan Turan and literature teacher Fatma Arısoy to, Birsen that the distribution of Isısan book publishing house and will have the courtesy to tell us their criticism by reading this book I thank my colleagues. ”
Rüknettin Küçükçalı
Y.mühendi the Machine
Isısan Heating Installation Book
0B577_s9dv9PcT1RWOFhaMFRZS28Information: Isısan Heating Installation Book in PDF format, published by Isısan. Sc is not in any way from the real book.