What is CSP Technology? Concentrated Photovoltaics

CSP technology is basically based on the collection of water passed through the tube from the mirrors focus the sun’s rays collected in the form of parabolic trough collectors and direct steam generation based implementation.

Concentrated solar power systems, mirrors and mirror attached to a large area of sunlight falling through the monitoring systems reflect the sun’s rays is based on a relatively small area. The unit connected in series heats the water and steam temperature and pressure desired value of the last unit to be sent to the steam turbine, the steam generated when the direct carbon emissions achieved without creating electrical energy is generated.

CSP Technology

It is now widely used three types of concentrating solar power plants. These; Concentrated thermal solar power plants (CST), concentrated photovoltaic solar power stations (CPV) and concentrated photovoltaic solar-thermal power plants (CPT) d.

CSP Solar Power Plants

Concentrated thermal solar power plants (CST) renewable heat energy or used as a source of electrical energy. CST system of mirrors and a large area of sunlight falling through the sun tracking system linked to the mirror focusing on one small area. The concentrated light is then used to produce the heat required to become a classic power plants. As well as the generated thermal energy is used for other purposes.

Concentrated solar power technology in a broad range of Dish Stirling engine, solar tower, the CLF has found life with examples like solar chimney. Each focusing method of obtaining the high temperatures and provide high thermodynamic efficiency in parallel. However, this method of tracking mechanisms to take advantage of the sun and solar energy are different forms. With advances in technology, it becomes cost-effective methods of concentrated solar energy from day to day.

Parabolic trough and parabolic (shaped holes) reflectors, reflective of a receiver located at the focal point works with the collection of sunlight. wherein the receiver, the focal points of the reflector and extending in the direction in which the circulating fluid is composed of a tube. Reflective, followed by mechanisms track the sun throughout the day. Circulating fluid, buyers in advancing the (molten salt, et al.) Heats up around 150-350 ° C. Then, it used for energy production plant as a source of energy.Parabolic trough systems, is the most advanced among CSP technologies.

CSP Plant 1

Intensive linear Fresnel reflectors with parabolic mirrors to reflect sunlight instead of using many thin mirror arrays circulating fluid is circulating a pair of reflecting tube CSP plants. This system is less costly because it is cheaper than parabolic mirrors faceplate by parabolic system. As well as, the same size than an area of system can be more parabolic reflector. This is the same size is meant to collect more available sunlight from a field. Intensive linear Fresnel reflectors, large capacity in the rhumb and has been used in advanced power plants.

CSP Plant 2

Dish Stirling engine or Stirling system consists of a receiver located at the focal point of the reflector with a parabolic reflector alone. The reflector in this system keeps track of the sun two axes. It said circulating fluid in the receiver is heated from 250 to 700 ° C, and then used for energy production purposes in a Stirling engine. Dish Stirling systems in CSP technologies from solar energy is a system that provides the highest efficiency in the conversion of electrical energy. In addition, the scalability of the system allows a portable structure.

CSP Plant 3

Solar chimney, large transparent (usually completely glass) consists of a room. The sun heats the air in a similar way to the greenhouse effect and causing the room warm air to rise in the chimney.turbines operate via air rise. production of electricity through the turbine is provided. A solar chimney is really simple in terms of design experience in the development process, and therefore the world can create an option.

Energy tower, located on a central receiver tower and a number of these recipients reflects the light of the dual-axis reflective (heliostats) it occurs. receiver at the top of the tower, usually containing a circulating fluid from a reservoir comprised of seawater. loop fluid in the receiver is heated at 500-1000 ° C level and then at the power plants or energy storage systems are used as a source of energy. Power towers are less advanced than the parabolic trough system; however, it offers a higher efficiency and a better energy storage capacity.

CSP Plant 4

Concentrated Photovoltaics

Concentrated photovoltaic systems by reducing the concentrated sunlight to the photovoltaic surface electrical energy is intended to ensure the production. All types of solar concentrators used in this system. Besides often placed in a solar tracking mechanism that follows the sun during the day, in addition to this system.

Concentrated Photovoltaics

Concentrated photovoltaic systems on serious and valuable research – development work dates back to the 1970s. The first modern prototype of concentrated photovoltaic systems have been developed in the last 10 years. The next system, of acrylic Fresnel lens with the water-cooled Si solar cell to be focussed on the light unit and the two-axis sun tracking system has been added to it.Similar sentiments have been used for other prototypes.

Gas brilliant solar concentrators (luminescent solar Concentrators) (when integrated with a PV cell) can be referred to as concentrated photovoltaic systems. Gas brilliant solar concentrators are useful for them to increase the performance of PV panels in a very strong way.

Source: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

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