Sick Building Syndrome and Indoor Air Quality

Sick Building Syndrome (RLS) causes no disease in a non-visible building, residents only linked to time spent in the building that is the name given to the health and comfort complaints. Complainants may exist in a particular room or zone, such as inside buildings, they may be dispersed into the building.Another term related to the topic, “Building Related Illness” (BBH) concept. In this case, the causes of the disease are diagnosed in the building is clear and stems from the building’s ventilation system.

Sick Building Syndrome Indicators

* Building residents begin to complain of sudden illness. These complaints are headache, eye, nose or throat discomfort, cough, dry or itchy skin, dizziness, nausea, impaired concentration, and may be in the form of extreme sensitivity to smell.
* This is the source of the disease symptoms could be identified.
* Most buildings of the complainants stated that they relax immediately after abortions.

Building Linked Disease Indicators

* Building of the majority of the inhabitants of cough, chest tightness, fever, chills and muscle pain are seen as complaints.
* The reasons for these findings clinically fully explained.
* Complainants will receive a certain amount of improvement also withdraws the building.

Impairments of Sick Building Syndrome Causes of Indoor Air Quality

Harmful substances and pollution disrupts make up the Indoor air quality can be defined only gathered under various groups. the group distorts the internal air quality pollutants can be listed as follows:

1. İnhaled airborne carbon dioxide (which is the origin of living and breathing people and burning)
2. Smell (of human origin)
3. Microorganisms (welded environment and human)
4. Moisture (environment and human activities such as cooking origin)
5. Radon gas (soil borne)
6. Organic vapor (used in furniture and building elements are welded)
7. Dust (environment is sourced and used goods)
8. Allergenic substances and organisms (environmental origin)
9. Cigarette smoke (human-induced)
10. Other sources (there are many more factors that affect air quality than those listed above. These are in the electronic pollution, radiation up to many factors considered.

Sick Building Syndrome

Internal welded Chemical Pollutants

Source in the dirty air in a building is often that building. For example; in-house and used in adhesives, coatings and flooring, some wood products, copy machines, pesticides, volatile organic compounds including formaldehyde emitted from cleaning materials also one of the factors that cause air pollution. Cigarette smoke; highly volatile organic compounds, other toxic components and can be inhaled in the formation of the particles is a factor having a great contribution. Studies of certain volatile organic compounds known as carcinogens shows that cause chronic and acute health problems inhaled in high concentrations. Many volatile organic compounds as the moderate to low temperatures can also cause acute reactions.

External Sources Chemical Pollutants

Air received a building’s fresh air; the surrounding air can be taken from other buildings. Building on the suction opening, Improper insertion of windows and openings; motor vehicles and buildings (from kitchens and bathrooms) exhaust gases causes an easily enter the building of the gas escaping from the system. Besides various combustion products can enter the building from a nearby garage.

Biological pollutants

Bacteria, mold, pollen and viruses are among the most common biological contaminants. These contaminants ducts, humidifiers or stagnant water accumulated in the drain pan or on the roof, they can multiply and grow in water collected in the floor or insulation. Sometimes insects or bird droppings can also cause biological contamination. Cough, chest tightness, fever, chills, muscle aches and stomach irritation and upper respiratory congestion, allergic reactions among the discomfort caused by biological contaminants. Legionella bacteria also known as Legionnaires causes and fever.

Radon and asbestos

Sick building syndrome, building related diseases may lead to acute or moderate health problems, long after the show the harmful effects of ingested radon and asbestos. These two substances should be dealt with in detail in the assessment of versatile indoor air quality of a building. These elements together will be effective as inadequate temperature, humidity or low-light conditions that may increase the loss of other elements.

Methods for Improvement of Indoor Air Quality

Methods are certain to improve the indoor air quality.
1) First, control of pollution sources and reducing required. For example, the prohibition of smoking, harmful gases used in the internal volume of the material issuing carpets etc. are among these measures.
2) the capture of the source of harmful substances, in principle carried out without interfering environment, the principles are widely used in such fields as industrial ventilation and kitchen ventilation. polluting sources in these areas are given.
3) filtering and cleaning air in indoor. This method is not fully used successfully pollutants due to too much sex and number. However, there is a growing sector. Especially the outdoor air in many areas which can not be characterized as clean is the only effective method of cleaning.
4) the provision of indoor air quality is still the most widely used and most effective methods of ventilation. Indoor air quality when given a sufficient amount of satisfaction to fresh air indoors can be brought to a satisfactory level.

Elimination or change of Pollutant Source

This method is known source of pollution and control is very effective in solving problems related to indoor air quality where possible. Filters should be cleaned or replaced periodically. Changing the building’s steel roof covering, the smoking room, isolation , be positioned so outside air will of pollutant sources, paints, adhesives, are the solvents and pesticides in well-ventilated areas, storage and other measures can be considered related to the occupants of these harmful substances relating to use of the time to be in the building. After the building was made of maintenance it should not be entered into the building to go through a period of time the effects of toxic substances.

Increase the ventilation rate

Increasing the aeration rate and the air delivery rate to reduce the pollution in the building cost is generally too high a process. However, in terms of key parameters to ensure ventilation of indoor air quality. The design of the ventilation system of the building should be designed to meet local building standards. If necessary initiatives on standards adequate ventilation predictable. st fied high pollutant in the building where it is very strong, it is very important for the local exhaust system of disposal of polluted air. Polluted air is collected in certain regions of intense relaxation, local exhaust system in the room, such as copying and printing room can be used at least in part.

Air Cleaning

The field of application of a method may be used in addition to the air cleaner source control it is quite limited. control devices used in parts such as furnace filters are cheap but ineffective in keeping small particles. The high capacity air filter that can be used to hold the very small particles are quite expensive in terms of installation and operation. In keeping pollution in the gas phase, mechanical filters are inadequate. This type of pollution in the gas phase using a disposable adsorbent holders, but these devices are expensive and often filters need to be replaced.

Source: Isısan air conditioning installations, Sick Building Syndrome and Sick Building Syndrome Causes

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