Private Pool Filters and Filtration Equipment

Private pool filters, and filter size is reduced as opposed to the general use of standards activities through appropriate filters. Sand, sand + activated carbon, diatomite, a cartridge types. As each of these features has many sub-variants.

Private Pool Filters

Sand Filters

Almost every type of pool that can be sized to fit easily in a different capacity, are durable and tear off the filter. The filtering material (quartz sand) exchange an average of 5 years. Different material layer height and size were found space applications. In addition increased activity activated charcoal models have been developed.

Diatomitl Filters

Have a high filtration efficiency. Filtration terms of thinness would constitute the highest class, there are the ability to hold 0,002 to 0,005 mm diameter particles, some larger bacteria can be kept even in this type of filter. Accordingly, it is not necessary to use a coagulant in this type of filter, a sudden blockage of the filter even if the use is concerned. As well as high-quality filtering, the lack of low chemical consumption and water consumption are the main advantages of this type of filter. The equipment is sensitive and diatomite regular supplementation is necessary and makes certain operating costs. rapid clogging of the filter in more polluted pool Environmental impact is concerned, having pores of very small water passage is completely blocked Considering this situation is the biggest problem of this type of filter is required continuous monitoring of the pressure gauge. terms of use has several disadvantages compared to other filter types.

Cartridge Filters

Little space for these types of filters to be made simple and precise filtration can be (0.01 to 0.02 mm) have the biggest advantage. the environmental effects of the use of the contamination is concentrated in the pool is not suitable. cleaning cartridge does not usually very successful result often need frequent renewal. Cartridges will raise the cost of the renewal.

Private Pool Filters

Filtration Material

Silica (Quartz) Sand and Gravel

Silica sand is the first filtration material used today is still considered as the main filtration material.This causes the cost is relatively cheap, is readily available and can be helpful to have a sufficient amount of experience with this material. The sand and gravel used in filters are usually 90 to 98% silica. Standards are also not allowed to use the sand crusher broken out of the silica containing less than 90%. The particle density of the sand 2500 – 2700 kg / m³, a bulk density of 1550 – 1600 kg / m³.


Hydroantrasil + anthracite coal, to the fields and the granules are obtained by reducing the density through thermal treatment. Generally the filtration deminirilasyo the water treatment industry, water is used as the material for the upper filtration filtralizasyon. In Swimming pools generally two types used hydroantrasit features are given below.

Hydroantrasit N (TS 11899 not be included, but techniques are used in the pool)

a- particle size and bulk density for 0.6 – 1.6 mm 730 kg / m³
b grain size and bulk density of 1.4 – 2.5 mm 720 kg / m³
c Particle density 1450 kg / m³
d Porosity 8.5%

Hydroantrasit H (TS 11899 is predictable)

a- particle size and bulk density of 0.6 – 1.6 mm 500 kg / m³
b grain size and bulk density of 1.4 – 2.5 mm 480 kg / m³
c Particle Density 1650 kg / m³
d porosity of 48.5%


Pumice is a volcanic material is 90% amorphous silica. try casualties made with acid it remained below 2%. Although there is no information in the literature, physical properties, which are similar to Hydroantrasit a porous material.

Pool in the filter 1.6 – 2.5 mm is used as the upper filter material particle size.
a- particle size 1,6 – 2,5 mm
b Bulk Density 600 kg / m³
c Wet Density 800 kg / m³

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is obtained by thermally be activated coal. Swimming pool water, chlorine, the chlorine compounds. It is now being used in purification of ozone and ozone levels also after the reaction. Filters are used in the form of granules, powder is given to conventional deep-bed filter or kiselgurl filter.

A. Granular Activated Carbon (sorbsiyo as the filter material in the ozone stage)

a- particle size 1,6 – 2,5 mm.
b Bulk Density 460 kg / m³
c Total area of 1000 m² / g.

B. Powder Activated Carbon (for pre-filtration absorption)

a- particle size 40 – 65 mm
b Bulk Density 460 kg / m³
c Total area of 1000 m² / g.

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