Fan Coil System and Properties

Fan Coil system is a system that mainly completely juicy. Prepared in a central hot water and chilled water is distributed to the device distributed fan coil into the building. Hot water is cold water in a hot water boiler water cooling group (chiller) is produced. Fancoil devices as a fan and heat transfer surface are elements containing serpentine.Taken from the room, with the help of the fan coil is heated or cooled air by passing through is blown into the room again. If the cold water through the cooling coil, if hot water heating. Returning to the station with water return pipe here again heated and/soğutularak circulated. For this purpose the circulation pumps are used. In particular, multi-roomed buildings and the absence of sufficient volume to migrate applications channel is preferred. In particular, hotels, hospitals, offices and high-rise residential buildings. Fancoil units glass in front of them, suspended ceiling Interior or under the ceiling and flooring can be put into them. Accordingly, different types of fan coil.

If only in fan coil if coil is used, called a two-pipe system established fancoil system. The two distribution and collection pipes in the system. Each fancoil device connects to a distributing pipe, a collection pipe. In this case the whole system or cold water or hot water can circulate. Therefore the whole system at the same time either heating or cooling. From the system’s cooling heating (changeover) requires a special process. In this respect, two-pipe fan coil system provides comfort between seasons are especially lacking. On the other hand again, especially some in the building between seasons when requesting the volumes in the cooling, some of the rooms have heating. Two pipe system that cannot meet the future.

If the fan coil in heating and cooling if you have two separate four-pipe fan coil system established in the coil system is called. The system makes four two two distribution and collection pipes.Distributing pipe, each fan coil device connects two collecting tubes two rare. One of the pairs of cold water pipe, the other hot water circulates independently. Therefore, each fan coil in heating and cooling at the same time independently of one another. In this case the whole system at the same time both cold water and hot water dolaştırılmaktadır. Therefore the whole system at the same time both heating and cooling. From the system’s cooling heating (changeover) there is no need for such a process. In this respect, four-pipe fan coil systems are used in systems and especially very zoned intermediate seasons provides excellent thermal comfort.

Fan Coil

There is no classic fan coil systems ventilation. Only for heating and cooling. To address this lack of fan coil systems applies two applications:

a) placed on the outer wall External air, mixed with fan coil devices directly from each unit by outside.
b) System also supply air (primary air) a central channel that feeds the ventilation system is added.

This system is called primary air fan coil system. Primary air fan coil facilities are both cool and juicy system and another group mütalâa. Fresh air plants in these systems in şartlandırılan fresh air can also make certain extent humidification on demand. But basically, fan coil systems, after all, humidity control performance of primary air system is low.

Both the outer wall to the air field blended system primer (fresh) air system each room air circulation only belongs in that room. Air flow between rooms, hence the smell, smoke etc. pass in practice.

Fan Coil Systems Properties

1-Fan coil system with each room can be controlled independently. Zoning is fairly easy to do.
2-Check is usually done with room thermostats. So every room, next to the load to be borne during the day variable, different room set temperature featured facilities.
3-Fan coil control systems; the simplest is fan control (control valve), proportional valve control shows a wide variety. Is also available in the same variety of room thermostat. To say the least, on the day/night-run showing of failures of the unit, that can be attached to a building automation system as needed and can communicate with each other so there is a lot of different model types.
4-Fan motor speed adjustment in facilities under the control of the capacity creates an additional convenience.
5-Two-way control valves, if used, frequency controlled circulation pump is advisable in terms of the use of energy-saving. If this is not done from the pump suction and discharge line must be installed a PRV valve.
6-pipe installations often channel installation is easier. In addition, channel installation, Assembly and manufacturing labor quality is very variable channel. Pipe system installation should be done after the washing process, the system should be kept, of course, chemical processing.
7-pipe insulation is often easier from the channel isolation. But especially in ceiling fan coil system in cooling and drainage pipe isolation more care should be taken.
8-have not been made particularly good channel will create major fugitives in overheads, fan coil system is not in question. In addition, due to the large surface areas of pipe is more calorific than losses.
9-Pipe system, the adjustment is easier to channel system. Possible reverse-rotational (equal resistance) pipe system must be used. Fan coil coil pressure loss 3 mss makes it easier to keep in high value reglajı.
10-Fan coil system needed to pass big shaft cross section of the channel, there is no need to. This, especially in today’s unit area costs are too high, the workplace is a factor to increase the available space in the building.
11-especially the type of flooring used fan coil devices, ducted systems, but it does not need such high ceiling cavities.
12-Fan coil device and restoring the certain period, should be done without negligence. In particular, it is important to clean the filter.
13-Fan coil can be removed easily when the selection filter property must be considered. In particular can be modified without disassembling the filter tape-cassette type devices models should be preferred.
14- Condensate pans should be checked against obstruction from time to time. Serpantinin and washing in a certain period with condensation Pan pipes, it is recommended to prevent bacterial growth.
15-Fan coil system maintenance is the use of devices that need to be done is at a disadvantage in the scene. Care, trained personnel should be done outside of working hours. Especially when changing the ceiling type fan coil devices filter treated with care should be taken to the ceiling.
16-open Office if you are interested in such large volumes to ensure homogeneous distribution of internal zo ceiling type fan coils are available. This can be designed to do only fancoil devices cooling. Thus the building along the perimeter fan coil are both heating and cooling, while on the inside the remaining units cooling only and they did. So it’s quite appropriate in terms of both comfort and a more economical system available.
17-glass front of the Kissi people in the surrounding area, especially during the cooling of devices will not disturb the placement and direction of blowing air in style according to the design is required.The hidden type of flooring fancoil devices often are used to direct the air at an angle, winged linear lattices. It should be noted that in terms of this culvert. It is not enough only üflenmesi to the window of the air. In most cases, reflected in the glass and it’s discomfort. Cassette is in the use of hard blowing vent instead of the fancoil blowing direction has a replaceable set type culverts fancoil devices should be preferred.
18-Fan coil device-related values, especially with the sound not the validity in time of the values is required. Your voice is not a problem for years in time and then mounted can protect today’s quality and performance values devices must be selected.
19-Blended outside air with fan coil devices in certain media are mixed, heated and air returned from soğutularak is given to the environment. Especially when it’s cold climate areas freeze protection should be made. To do this, mix box motor damper installation and that a freeze must irtibatlandırılması with the thermostat.
20-Mixed units, especially the more humid regions of type taking into consideration the condensation drainage pipe must be designed so that.
21-Blended filter should be cleaned more frequently in fan coil.
22-Blended air intake of the devices may be affected by factors such as wind, height. The amount of infiltration. Infiltration should be kept in mind in the load.
23-Mixed sound input from the outside of the device should be taken measures against. This is for cases where special blend box, accessories such as silencers found in the fancoil devices should be preferred.
24-Blended fan coil devices used for shaft needs fresh air channels will not be heard.
25-primary shaft for air system channels and ceiling cavity where it is needed. But the channel is quite small compared to the really cool system section. In this regard, the loss is much less than the full air system in place.
26-Fresh air and total fan coil systems advantages of blended, interior air fresh air fan coil devices used, and on the basis of the floor provided with a low type power plants can be achieved with other systems.

Two-Pipe Fan Coil System

Two-pipe systems, pipes, either hot or cold water for heating or cooling system or where it is located. Fancoil device only serpantinlidir.

İki Borulu Fan Coil Sistemi
– Two-pipe fan coils system is the cheapest first investment cost centre system.
– Fan coil, piping and insulation costs less than four boruluya.
– Less pipe is is made easier, particularly for cassette devices piping.
– Ensuring the desired comfort, especially during periods of transition, it is not possible to complete.
– Summer water temperature is usually at 7/12 ° c is selected. Winter is at low water temperatures must be chosen or modulating valve must be used. However, proportional valve type when using humidity control is more difficult.
– To ensure the passage of summer and winter in the Fan coil

a Summer-winter position switch thermostats should be used)
b) Pipe thermostat should be added.

Four-Pipe Fan Coil System

In the different hot and cold water pipes. There are two separate coil. Valves by means of the cold or hot water fan coils are allowed to roam is made by heating and cooling. The system in different rooms at the same time, it is possible to both heating and cooling.

Dört Borulu Fan Coil Sistemi
– Especially in times of transition are provided excellent comfort. Summer-winter transition is quite easy. Changes is quite fast.
– It is necessary to use the cost control for the control valve.
– Initial investment cost is higher, although business efficiency, lower business expenses.

Source: Isısan Air Conditioning Installation Book

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