Turkey Health Buildings Minimum Design Standards

Turkey Health Buildings Minimum Design Standards 2010 Guide, Ministry of health view of construction and repair Department of Ba President is prepared by the Directorate-General for Health information systems E-library system is presented to the share through.
The guide book; health structures in designing ventilation requirements, organizes, hot water filter design, oxygen, vacuum and medical air systems for the station exits, temperature and humidity, press room and interior design sizes, including a lot of heating, air-conditioning, ventilation and plumbing will create a significant resource for design.
Book-related health Minister lyrics;
The purpose and task of the Ministry of health, in every corner of the country of health services, accessible to all segments of society, effective, efficient, and sustainable. Conducted since 2003 for this purpose authorised by my Government “health transformation program” within the framework of what we’re doing in our country, health service delivery with important development breakthrough.

In his presentation the right services of health more and we need to do. In our country, the health of the approximately 43 percent, is above the age of 25. These buildings, medical and health services presentation principles in technology invented by the dizzying changes, answer new needs to make major renovations need.

New health structures in the construction, repair and renovation of the existing buildings were met the needs of our country’s economic and efficient use of limited resources, we need to show maximum sensitivity. Good plânlanmamış and underutilized capacity investments, unnecessary operating costs with the addition of the waste resources are likely to increase.

New developments of health facilities to meet the needs of today’s expectations and developments in medicine and technology will give way to the use of smart buildings, we aim to be.

Within the framework of the above targets and insights, the construction of new buildings, the buildings of the old facilities and additional repair and renovations for “Turkey Health Buildings Minimum Design Standards 2010 Guide” nu we are prepared.

This guide will be held with health facilities; which facilitate access, presented in contemporary health service, the latest information and technologies in medicine applied to structures. The nature of the service to be developed, operational and maintenance costs to a minimum level will be saved.

In this study, all my friends who have contributed to our work who lent their support and feedback during the health sector would like to thank members of the valuable.
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ
Health Minister “

Turkey Health Buildings Minimum Design Standards 2010 Guide

[pdfviewer width=”600px” height=”730px” beta=”true/false”]http://sbu.saglik.gov.tr/Ekutuphane/kitaplar/s.b.2010_klavuz_lowres_23092010.pdf”]

Kaynak: Saglik.gov.tr,Turkey Health Buildings Minimum Design Standards

Türkiye Sağlık Yapıları Asgari Tasarım Standartları 2010 Yılı Kılavuzu

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